ViDiTrust finalist at European Venture Summit

European Venture Summit – Berlin, 6-7 December 2012

ViDiTrust, the Centrica co-founded start-up, will be today and tomorrow in Berlin to attend the final competition of the European Venture Forum. At the event will be more than 120 European start-ups and more than 120 international investors.

In Berlin, ViDiTrust will present ViSeQR, the new technology to counteract counterfeiting of products, to protect producers and consumers.

ViSeQR encloses the QRcode in a security framework, making it a “smart stamp“ counterfeit-proof. The technology, patent pending, is perfectly integrable in the process of labels and packaging’s printing. The consumer can verify the authenticity of the product directly from his/her device in a simple and intuitive way: just shooting the stamp (with a smartphone endowed with a camera of at least 5megapixel) and verifying the authenticity with the free app that is connected to the cloud system.


Giacomo Cancelli, ViDiTrust CEO, in his speech entitled “From real products to Big Data: handling a trusted relation with customers” will describe the potential of this technology as a market opportunity. Moreover he will explain how it is possible with ViSeQR technology to aggregate a wide range of geolocalized information such as:

  • where the app is used
  • which product is checked
  • the geographical areas where the counterfeing is more widespread
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