
Firenze Produttiva Prize

Acknowledging to the significant contribution to support the development of the local economy, the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, in relation to the competition “Premio Firenze Produttiva“, decided to aword to Centrica the gold medal in the category “Companies that exported Florence-brand in the world “.

The valorization of the city of Florence is the focus of many initiatives of Centrica, that has realized many multimedial itineraries to present the Florentine culture, installed in different museal exhibitions all over the world.

Centrica took part to the selection with various projects, including “Uffizi Virtuale“, the interactive exhibition shown for the first time in Shanghai in 2010, which offers an involving and unique journey within the collection of the Uffizi Gallery.

“Uffizi Virtuale” exhibition, during the 25 opening days, registered over 50.000 visitors. Chinese public was enthusiastic about the subject and the exhibit design approach, based on Uffizi Touch®, which allowed the Chinese public to appreciate every detail of the works of art, through ten large format touch screen installations.

Another exhibition “Renaissance in Florence. Masterpieces and Protagonists“, held in Beijing at the National Museum of China from July 6, 2012 until April 30, 2013 i also worthy of note.

The exhibition brought in the Chinese capital city masters of painting and sculpture of the Florentine Renaissance. The project, planed by the Italian Ministry of Heritage and Culture, comes from a wider collaboration of cultural exchange between China and Italy. It aims to promote the Italian cultural heritage, through the narration of its artistic and cultural excellences.

Yesterday Paolo De Rocco, Centrica President, received the prize “Firenze Produttiva” during the ceremony at Palazzo Borghese.

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