
We design innovative technologies and solutions for Art&culture, Education, Tourism and Made in Italy


Art and culture

We make Italian cultural heritage accessible in an innovative way, offering visibility to Italian museums and cultural institutes, enhancing their heritage and bringing the visitor back to the center of the museum experience.


Made in Italy

We use our technologies for the promotion of Made in Italy market.

Centrica puts knowledge and professional skills at the service of institutions, museums and companies for Digital Transformation interventions, proving to be an added value in the representation of artistic and other products that represent Italian excellence in the world.



The EdTech ArtCentrica cloud application contains more than 7000 Hi-Res images of artworks from prestigious public and private collections. Multisensory technology allows the viewer to discover immediate correlations with specific details within each work of art and study them thanks to thematic lessons, as well as make measurements and search artworks by an accompanying timeline to learn about the change of artistic expression through history.



Italy is a “widespread museum”, and that is why Centrica has chosen to expand its technological developments to the tourism sector.
The UBILIA® application allows tourists and visitors to have access to information on museums, historic city centers and the works of art that surround them. Based on a system for spreading geo-localized content via cloud services, it connects people with places.

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