ArtCentrica protagonists at SXSW EDU 2022

From the 7th to the 10th of March we attended SXSW EDU EXPO new edition. The Austin TX international festival, which brings together the companies of the digital world committed to the development of innovative solutions to improve the world of learning and education. Every year the conference generate a strong following among entrepreneurs and web workers, helping to give more and more space to emerging digital technologies. It was a […]

Tübke ArtCentrica: our solution for the immersive exhibition Tübke Monumental (Leipzig)

On the occasion of the opening of the immersive exhibition TÜBKE MONUMENTAL, we participated in the press conference and the presentation Einladung zur Vernissage in Leipzig.Our team contributed to the TÜBKE MONUMENTAL project with the high-res digitization of Werner Tübke‘s work, The First Bourgeois Revolution in Germany, from Panorama Museum (Bad Frankenhausen). We created an image of 74 Gigapixel size, which was used in the immersive installation and in Tübke […]

ArtCentrica vince la Terza Call di IMPACT EdTech

Siamo felici e orgogliosi di annunciare che Centrica ha vinto la Terza Call del progetto Europeo IMPACT EdTech, a cura di European Schoolnet, ISDI Accelerator (ISDI) e FundingBox. Insieme a noi, sono state 17 le altre Startup e SMEs vincitrici, selezionate tra ben 278 partecipanti e 35 nazioni. Secondo quanto stabilito, l’iniziativa mira a promuovere […]

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