ArtCentrica protagonists at SXSW EDU 2022

From the 7th to the 10th of March we attended SXSW EDU EXPO new edition. The Austin TX international festival, which brings together the companies of the digital world committed to the development of innovative solutions to improve the world of learning and education
Every year the conference generate a strong following among entrepreneurs and web workers, helping to give more and more space to emerging digital technologies. It was a great opportunity for our company, which was able to make itself known even more.

From our booth we gave visitors of the fair the opportunity to become acquainted with ArtCentrica, the innovative cloud service for the EdTech sector, which brings Art to schools and universities around the world with a business model that rewards museums coffers.

Given the historical period we are experiencing, the digital transformation of culture assumes a fundamental role, becoming an urgent need. Therefore, guaranteeing access to cultural heritage online, and helping young people in the development of soft skills through innovative tools – starting from educational contexts – is crucial for the future of all of us.

Sign up now and try ArtCentrica for 10 days free!

ArtCentrica offers a selection of artworks from the Uffizi GalleriesBrera MuseumMETRijksmuseumCentral Institute for GraphicsMuseo EgizioCleveland Museum of ArtFinnish National MuseumReims, Fine Arts MuseumSMK (Statens Museum for Kunst), Staedel Museum and 30 Florentine Views!

No additional costs are applied at the end of the free trial period.

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