CCI Thrive– IMZ International Music + Media Centre

The consortium for CCI Thrive meets today, September 28th! We are happy to welcome our partners Ars Electronica, Centrica – Imagine more, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, SpielFabrique, BetaSeries + project lead BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH. CCI Thrive explores cutting-edge digital technologies as a means to increase the competitiveness of the creative […]

Marco Cappellini at Sant’Anna School in Pisa

Last Thursday, September 15th, Marco Cappellini donned the role of professor at Sant’Anna School in Pisa, where he gave a lecture at the event Il Bello di Pisa Summer School. The Beauty of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The initiative took place thanks to Project Erasmus+, Integrated Interdisciplinary Education Module on Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science. Marco‘s talk, New Experiences with Arts – Centrica, focused on […]

Centrica labs: new opening

We are very happy to inform you, that on Wednesday, June 22, we were finally opening the doors of our lab to friends and other curious people. A space of conception and development totally dedicated to our projects: from those related to Digital Imaging, with stations reserved for digital acquisition and post-production of images, to […]

Xperience – Art meets technology

The enjoyment of cultural heritage has changed thanks to technological innovation and digitization, which fill the gap between visitors and cultural institutions: from the conception of the “relic museum,” intended for a select few, to collections that open up to members of a physical and virtual community. This was the central theme of COTEC’s next […]

ArtCentrica LIVE at Ca’ Foscari University

On 17 March we had the pleasure of being hosted by Ca ‘Foscari University for the 2021-2022 edition of Live Project, one of the projects from Master in Tourism Economics and Management, by CISET and the Department of Management. Live Projects aim to expose and involve students in a real situation, in which they experiment and learn through experience, always guided by a specific path and didactic […]

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