Centrica-Virtuitaly at MindCET Demoday

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MindCET Demoday on Tuesday July 28th at 17.30 Israel time

VirtuItaly – Centrica have been selected together with other seven companies (from Israel, Mexico and South Africa) between 150 EdTech candidates for the 8th Acceleration Batch, started last May and that will end next October. We are focusing especially on ArtCentrica cloud service.

Teachers and students using ArtCentrica have a unique experience with art, empowering creativity and observation, discovering, and critical thinking.

ArtCentrica brings art to school

We are bringing art to school!
And ready to bring it home, as Margaritis Schinas and Mariya Gabriel are suggesting with #CreativeEuropeAtHome.

Uffizi Galleries in very high resolution, up to 10 GigaPixel, and a selection of masterpieces from the Brera Museum in Milan are the first museum collections inside ArtCentrica that will increase in future months.
Here are Marco Cappellini‘s words:
“The acceleration with MindCET is an exciting experience.
I’m grateful to Paz Eliav, Head of the Accelerator, for the passionate and enthusiastic work she is doing with us.
We had great advisors, from Avi Warshavsky, MindCET CEO, to Troy Williams, Managing Director at University Ventures, Boaz Shedletsky entrepeneur with incredible track record, to Gil Almog, who is now launching x10ed, to fill the gap between Education and EdTech startups.
Myself and other VirtuItaly-Centrica cofounders Paolo De Rocco and Paolo Romoli, are bringing all our experience and know how in ArtCentrica, to provide to to Education market the opportunity to experience art in and out of the classroom in a unique engaging way, that we have tested in many occasions worldwide, from Italy to Germany and China.
At the same time, we want to have an impact on museums, creating more awareness of the incredible works of art they conserve and, at the same time, bringing additional revenues to them.

Finally, I want to thank the other startups and team for the wonderful time we are spending together, for their suggestions and their passion in changing the world to be a better place:
Alpe.fm # – an on-the-go learning app, that leverages audio and interactive learning techniques
My Nursery – a full schedule of activities and resources for 0-6-year-olds that are appropriate to the individual child.
ActivePuzzle – A game for building robots out of puzzles. No coding. No screens. Simply snap puzzle blocks together to form robots.
Kunjani.co – A learning platform that provides a blend of Digital & Social learning, with the added benefits of Gamification.
Inverkids – Digital platform leading the new generations in their first financial steps by developing their financial knowledge and capabilities, using games and challenges.
EyeKnow – An AI/Computer Vision software platform that automatically detects behaviors between caregivers and toddlers in kindergartens.
Indimo – A digital platform, which enables teachers to design self-directed modules for their students.

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