US – Italia Ed Innovation Festival

US – Italia Ed Innovation Festival

US – Italia Ed Innovation Festival organized by Center for Educational Reform, lead with incredible energy, passion and vision by CER CEO Jeanne Allen has taken place in Ercolano, Italy,

A great number of the US and Italian community in Education and Technology has gathered together physically and virtually in Ercolano to drive the conversation way beyond education and innovation toward an Educational Renaissance that today’s challenges require. A few highlights showing the incredible convergence of the innovators gathered there, here and everywhere awaits you, as does an ever growing video gallery which is ready for your viewing pleasure with speeches from Centrica CEO&co-founder Marco Cappellini, VR practitioner Michael McDonaldChris Whittle, Chairman and CEO of Whittle School and Studios, Carol D’Amico of Strada, Antonio Roca of Academica Virtual EducationNate Davis the CEO of K12 Inc.Richard Collins CEO of Inlingua & Kay ScettroMaieutical Labs Co-Founder Adriano AlloraIngenium Education CEO Daniele Denti and computer science engineer and high school teacher Paolo TealdiZanichelli Venture director Enrico PoliINVALSI CEO Roberto Ricci and TAO Testing CEO Marc OswaldJamey Hei Co-Founder CEO of Ecree, Inc. and many more.

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