Marco Cappellini at Sant’Anna School in Pisa

Last Thursday, September 15th, Marco Cappellini donned the role of professor at Sant’Anna School in Pisa, where he gave a lecture at the event Il Bello di Pisa Summer School. The Beauty of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The initiative took place thanks to Project Erasmus+, Integrated Interdisciplinary Education Module on Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science. Marco‘s talk, New Experiences with Arts – Centrica, focused on […]

Marco Cappellini alla Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa

Lo scorso giovedì 15 settembre, Marco Cappellini ha vestito i panni di docente alla Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, dove ha tenuto una lezione in occasione dell’evento Il Bello di Pisa Summer School. The Beauty of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. L’iniziativa ha avuto luogo grazie a Progetto Erasmus+, Integrated Interdisciplinary Education Module on Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science. L’intervento di Marco, New experiences with Arts […]

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