Cosimo and Caterina 1519 – 2019 on Ubilia®

The Academy of the Arts of Drawing, with the fundamental support of the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, has created a project of georeferencing and description of the places characterised by the interventionism of Cosimo I de’ Medici.
Florence and Tuscany become the protagonists of a journey that can be made by everyone simply downloading Ubilia®, a free iOS/Android app.
Essential information related to the presence of Cosimo I In the Tuscan territory can be found through the user’s smartphone.
Curated by Carlo Francini, the Guide on Ubilia® allows access to historically and artistically validated content by a large group of scholars from various universities and institutions, who have developed the project under the aegis of the Academy of Arts of Drawing, the oldest Academy of Fine arts in the world.

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