Centrica at Bruxelles for Tech-Italy 2012

Tech-Italy 2012, Bruxelles October 2nd-4th
Boosting european growth through industrial innovation.
Session 4, October 4th- Cultural Heritage and Tourism for the European future: Italian approach expertise

The event Tech-Italy 2012, promoved by Embassy of Italy in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and the Institute for Foreign Trade, aim to confirm the perception of Italy as a big industrial country able to act in an integrated European dimension.

The seminar which will take place on October 4th aims to underline the Italian contribution to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.
Centrica will partecipate with the speech of Paolo De Rocco, President, entitled “Digital acquisition and protection of art-works: Uffizi Touch®”.

In addition to the digital acquisition and watermarking issues, will advance some of the features of the new version of Uffizi Touch ® App,iPad version, that will be soon avalable on the App Store.

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