Centrica in Beijing: “Rinascimento a Firenze. Capolavori e Protagonisti” Exhibition

Centrica lands in Beijing at the exhibit “Renaissance in Florence. Masterpieces and Protagonists” which opens today, until April 30, 2013. The exhibition, which inaugurates a permanent museum area, “Space Italy“, at the National Museum of China in Tiananmen Square, the largest and most visited museum in the world, brings the Italian masters of painting and sculpturing of the Florentine Renaissance in the Chinese capital city. In the exhibition innovative multimedia technologies have been applied according to an advanced setting project that allows visitors to full immerse in the exhibit, accompanied and informed by audio, games of lights, projections and interactive totems.

Once crossed the entrance hall, visitors approach the Narrative Room, a didactic area where the main themes of the exhibit are illustrated in depth through innovative technologies and emotional contents: the Renaissance, Florence, the cultural and social context, the history, places and characters. Centrica has produced the multimedial videos that, in a semicircular itinerary, present the historical context, the artists and their artworks and the architectures.

At the center of the Narrative Room is set the first interactive installation with images of Florence from 1480 to the present day. With the installation, visitors can navigate through space and time in various maps of Florence, with the opportunity to know better and get closer to the most important monuments, highlighted in the maps.

Along the exhibition, visitors will find other three interactive touch-screen installations. They show all the artworks of the exhibit, divided per hall and historical period, and give the opportunity to do comparison between more artworks, to zoom to full resolutionand to make virtual measurements on the images.

Interactive installations are based on  Uffizi Touch ® architecture and technologies.

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