“Leonardo Touch” for Leonardo’s masterpieces valorisation at Vinci

On 22 Jun , after a careful restoration, according to the evocative simplicity of the place, Leonardo’s birth house in Anchiano reopens to public. Through the interactive application, “Leonardo Touch”, designed and developed by Centrica, for the first time in Vinci, a deeper knowledge of Leonardo as a painter has made available.

This early version of the multimedial application contains nine masterpieces (Battesimo di Cristo, Ritratto di Musico, Leda Spiron and the many views of Valle dell’Arno landscape), and in the future it will show the whole Leonardo’s pictorial work.

Masterpieces are browsable in any detail, they can be virtually measured and compared to the others,  an interesting function especially applied between preparatory and final works.

The works of art are accessible also through the map, so that visitors can see where they are stored in the world.

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