VirtuItaly best startup for promotion of Italy

VirtuItaly, startup spinoff of Centrica, won the award CNA Changes 2016, Toscana edition, promoted by the National Confederation of Craftsmanship and Small and Medium Business, dedicated to the new companies based in Italy that achieved to innovate products and processes through their activity, with the ambition to represent our country at its best. Thanks to the immersive & interactive virtual exhibition Uffizi Virtual Experience, VirtuItaly was recognized winner for the category “Start-ups for the promotion of Italy”, conceived for the new companies that achieve products and services of cultural and creative development in support of the promotion of historical, artistic, landscape and food heritage and valorization of the traditions and culture of a territory. During the ceremony on November 8th 2016, the startup received a voucher valued 1000€ in consultation services for the company’s growth, and ultimately the possibility to present its project to the jury during the national final at the end of November.

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