Eva Florence 2013. Where culture meets technology

Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts
“The Foremost European Electronic Imaging Events in the Visual Arts”
Conference, Workshops, Meetings & Exhibition

Eva Florence 2013 represents an opportunity for users, suppliers, the scientific research community and market stakeholders from all over the world to meet, exchange experiences, ideas and projects in the field of Culture, Tourism & Technology.

The event will be organized around several workshops, conferences and meetings about international cooperation and European projects carried out in the field of virtual heritage; a special focus will be dedicated to “innovation, scientific research and business“, three realities increasingly interconnected.


Centrica will be the protagonist, in partnership with Power Soft, of the special event “Multimedia Presentation of Art and Science” where Centrica interactive application Uffizi Touch® will be joined by DEVA, a signaling audio system by Power Soft: a fascinating multimedial welcome for all the guests.

The new version of Uffizi Touch® app for iPad will be presented to Eva Florence visitors, with a particular focus on the formidable potentiality of the “Visual Tour“.


Save the date
May 15 th – 16 th 2013
Grand Hotel Minerva
Piazza della Stazione, 16 Florence

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