Centrica’s digital technology for Officina Profumo – Farmaceutica SMN

The tradition and the innovation of Officina Profumo – Farmaceutica of Santa Maria Novella has met Centrica digital technologies for a new valorization of its products.

To celebrate Officina Profumo 400 years of activity, Centrica has created a new touch screen application for the store in Via della Scala, Florence, and for the shop in Milan. This app employs the same technologies used for Uffizi touch, the evolution of the product premiered at Shanghai EXPO, in the section “Italy of Innovators 2010” (here you can find a video about Uffizi Virtual digital exhibition”). The application created for Officina Profumo allows you to visualize very high resolution images of the products, browsable in detail, both 2D and 3D. Each product is accompanied by an information fact sheet and by a specific function of “suggestions” about the product categories, based on the modeling of knowledge relative to Officina Profumo products.
The seven interactive installations in Florence and the one in Milan show the map of the shops and give the possibility to visualize all the products on sale in each hall. You can find also an introductive section about Florence and the history of Officina Profumo. Centrica has realized also the new website, employing the same enabling technologies of the touch screens (XLimage® e Xlknowledge®).

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