CUSTOM Project at LiquidLab

Parco Urbano dell’Innovazione Spazio Urbano Contemporaneo
Piazza delle Murate, Florence, May 10, 2012

Centrica will be among the protagonists during the events in which will be introduce the CUSTOM project, aimed to the creation of a cloud platform for SaaS merchandising of technological services for promotion and management of cultural heritage and turistic services correlated.

CUSTOM, finished first in the bando R&D Regione Toscana’s ranking, has as partners, apart from Centrica, Telecom Italia Spa, Liberologico Srl and the scientific collaboration of Pisa’s Scuola Normale Superiore and MICC – Media Integration and Communication Center of Florence University and subcontractors META and Geosolutions.

Centrica will partecipate with the speech of Paolo De Rocco entitled “Fedora DL, XLimage and XLStreamer on CUSTOM cloud platform”.

The event takes part of LiquidLab program, for days of meetings, workshop, exhibition and conferences of ideas and project of people who think for a better future.

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