Centrica at Urban Park of Innovation “Le Murate”

Centrica is one of seven winners of Florence City Council’s tender to settle in the Innovation Park “Le Murate”.

A 1500-mq hi-tech park in the heart of St. Ambrogio area: it’s the new Urban Lab which will be officially opened on Thursday, March 15h, on the first floor of Murate’s former gaol. Seven ICT firms and three University spin-offs will be hosted in the new redesigned spaces, to give life to an ambitious center aiming to become an innovation district in its own right.
Multimedia and Wi-Fi, with a service center as a hub for companies, customers, operators and guests.
This is Palazzo Vecchio’s way of betting on young talents and new companies. The city mayor, Matteo Renzi, will deliver to the selected firms the keys of the new quarters in an official grand opening ceremony, while his deputy, Dario Nardella, will start the opening ceremony.

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